Charles F. Barker


The Life Years Chart

The LifeYears Chart is a method for recording the major events of a lifetime. Filling out the chart is a meaningful, enjoyable, and engaging activity for individuals to do themselves, or for families to do together, or by caregivers to learn more about an individual’s life.

The LifeYears Chart is based on the method geologists have used for over 200 years to document the Earth’s history as recorded in strata of rock formations. Adapted from the “Stratigraphic Column”, the LifeYears Chart uses the same effective method to display the history of a human life in a one-page “Personal History Column.”

Everyone has a unique life story, but we rarely record in one place, the “when and where” of the most important events of our lives. The LifeYears Chart is a simple, yet elegant way to document one’s own life story or the life stories of parents or grandparents for generations to come. It is important to capture and preserve these unique life stories before they are lost in the passage of time. Also contains quotes relating to life and the passage of time from well known writers and philosophers.

Price: $5.00 plus Tax (if applicable)


Life Years Chart

Frame not included


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